The majority of fax machines come with a connection that enables you to use one phone line to connect your phone, fax, and computer. When you have a phone and fax machine on the same phone line and use dial-up for your Internet connection, you can use this feature. The same phone line can support all three devices, but without specialized services like DSL, you can only use one of them at once.
How Do I Connect A Fax Machine To A Phone Line?
- The fax machine connection marked with a phone or a phone connection icon is where you connect the fax machine to the phone line. So that you know where to plug in the phone cable and the computer, dual-capable fax machines have labels on the phone line connections.
- Using the second phone cable, attach the computer to the fax machine. The second connection on the fax machine is marked “PC” or features an image of a computer. The computer modem should be the recipient of the other end of this phone cable.
- Send a fax to check the phone line connection by turning on the fax machine. To make sure the connection is secure, you can also pick up the fax machine’s phone and hear for a dial tone.
- A computer’s phone line can be tested by turning it on and dialing your ISP. This configuration of the computer does not require any changes to its settings.
Different Types Of “connected” Fax Machines
Connected fax machines come in a wide variety of styles.
The fax machine can connect wirelessly using a technology like WiFi or Bluetooth, as well as wired connections using ethernet.
Ethernet always connects to a router on the local network. WiFi can occasionally connect to a router or directly to a computer. Bluetooth connections are always made directly to a computer or smartphone.
It is possible to send faxes from any connected machines. Some of them can also receive faxes and send them via email or access them using the manufacturer’s software.
How Do I Operate A Connected Fax Machine?
Step 1 – Set Up The Fax Machine To Work Regularly
Follow our instructions for setting up and operating a fax machine. This will restore the fax machine to regular operation.
The fax machine must be connected to a functional landline phone line. Even if the fax machine is “connected” or “internet enabled,” a landline phone line connection is still necessary.
Step 2 – Connect The Fax Machine To Your Network
Observe the fax machine’s instructions for connecting to the network. The usual method for doing this is to either register the fax machine with a WiFi router or connect it to an Ethernet cable.
If the fax machine has an Ethernet port, it can be wired to the internet or to a router using an Ethernet cable.
No additional cables are required if the fax machine has WiFi or Bluetooth capabilities. The fax machine will be able to communicate with nearby devices via these wireless connections.
Step 3 – Install Any Software The Fax Machine Requires
Some fax machines require the installation of a print driver, just like a regular printer. Some people will possess a complete software package that allows them to operate the fax machine remotely.
Apply the software installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. The support pages of the majority of manufacturers will have software available for download.
Step 4 – Test The Connection
To send a fax, use the print driver or fax software. Your fax ought to be sent by the device via the connection.
Test the fax’s ability to receive faxes and send them to you electronically.
Can I Connect A Phone And Fax At The Same Time?
It is necessary to have an active phone line in order to connect your fax machine and phone. Either a single phone line or individual lines for each device can be used to connect the two devices. Regardless of which option you select, careful attention must be paid to the jacks on the back of the fax machine to ensure proper cable positioning. This does not, however, ensure that you can use both devices at once.
Two-line Connectivity
You plug one end of the cable into the wall jack for your fax line and the other end of the cable into the jack that is typically labeled “Line” found on the back of the fax machine to connect your phone and fax machine using two separate telephone lines. Instead of a label with text, this jack occasionally has an icon of a cable entering a wall jack. Then you plug in a second cable, with one end going into the wall jack for your phone line and the other going into the jack on your phone.
Single-line Connectivity
You must insert one end of the cable into the wall jack and the other end into the “Line” jack located on the back of your fax machine in order to connect your phone and fax machine to the same phone line. The second cable is then attached, with one end going into the telephone jack and the other into the jack marked “Phone” on the back of the fax machine. Instead of the written word, this jack occasionally has an icon of a phone.
Advantages And Disadvantages
The most flexibility is provided by using two separate phone lines, which allow you to simultaneously send and receive calls and faxes. You cannot receive a fax while using the phone and vice versa when the devices share a single phone line. If you choose to add a second phone line, you must contact your phone provider, and the line carries an additional monthly cost. The cost varies depending on the phone service provider.
If you are unable to send or receive faxes, check the phone line and confirm proper cable placement. Verify that the phone cord is firmly plugged into the wall jack and that the other end of the cord is firmly plugged into the fax machine’s “Line” jack. The cable cannot be connected to the machine’s “Phone” jack, which prevents fax transmission and reception. Replace the phone cord if it is positioned correctly but the machine still cannot transmit and receive. Another choice is to disconnect the fax machine’s cord from the back and connect it to a telephone. If you can’t hear the dial tone, there might be an issue with the fax machine or the phone line.

How Do I Configure A Fax Using My Phone Line?
You can use a phone and fax machine on the same line if you don’t want to fork over the extra cash for a second phone line specifically for a fax machine but still need the ability to send and receive faxes. The fax machine typically checks incoming calls to determine whether they are voice calls before alerting you to pick up the phone. Some fax machines, however, let you set a delay so you can respond before the fax arrives.
Step 1: Use a regular phone cable to connect your fax machine to the wall phone outlet. Use the fax’s “Incoming” port or the one with the fax symbol above it.
Step 2: The “Outgoing” port on fax machines typically has a phone symbol above it. Connect your phone to this port.
Step 3: Turn on and plug in your fax machine. Locate the “Modes” option by scrolling through the menu and selecting “Fax/Tel” mode. By doing this, the fax machine is instructed to pick up the phone and determine whether it is a voice or fax call. The fax machine should sound a distinct ring to let you know if it’s a voice call.
Step 4: If your fax has the ability, you can also configure the ring delay setting. Select “Fax Settings” from the “Settings” tab or a comparable menu item under the menu.” Look for the “Setup Receive” option to configure how the fax receives messages, and then choose “Ring Delay.”” Select the number of rings to be emitted before the fax responds. This gives you a chance to pick up the phone before the fax arrives.
How Do I Configure My Comcast Phone To Receive Faxes?
Instead of paying the phone company for a standard phone line, some businesses opt to use VoIP (voice over IP) phone services like Comcast’s Xfinity Voice. Even though the call is routed over the Internet as opposed to conventional phone lines if your business uses Xfinity Voice, you can connect any fax machines in your office to the Xfinity Voice service. You won’t have to pay for an additional phone line if you use your fax machine with Xfinity Voice.
Step 1: Put your fax machine close to your Xfinity Voice modem by moving it there. This gadget combines the modem required to link your office to Xfinity Internet with the phone output jacks needed to connect your fax machine.
Step 2: Your Xfinity Voice modem’s phone jack should receive one end of your phone line. Connect the line’s other end to your fax machine’s “LINE IN” port.
Step 3: To check for a dial tone on your fax machine, pick up the handset. Sending a test fax can help you determine whether the line is connected properly if your fax machine lacks a handset. With Xfinity Voice, you can now use your fax machine.