You may choose to disassemble your office chair for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you need to change offices, move the parts, or make a few small adjustments. Whatever your motivation, we have combed the web to find you the best guide to assist you in properly disassembling your chair.
How To Disassemble An Office Chair
Dismantle The Casters/Wheels
Especially when your chair wiggles at the slightest provocation, finishing the task will be very difficult. Detaching your chair’s wheels from the base is the best way to reduce its mobility.
What you’ll need:
- Pry bar
- Screwdriver
- To access the wheels, flip your office chair over or to the side.
- Use one hand to hold the caster and the other to hold the chair leg.
- Use the pry bar to pry out the caster if it won’t come out when you pull it out.
How To Disassemble Office Chair Headrest
On office chairs, the majority of headrests are fastened with a few bolts. In order to remove the headrest from your chair, check to see if any cover plates or tabs need to be removed. Using a screwdriver or Allen wrench, take out all of the bolts from the headrest after those have been removed. Put the cover plate or tabs back onto the chair after removing the headrest. Remember to pack all tiny, loose parts into a bag for storage.
How To Disassemble Office Chair Backrestremoving Office Chair Backrest
Since the majority of office chairs have backrests that are bolted to the chair’s back, you should be able to remove them with ease. Due to the backrest’s attachment to the frame on some office chairs, such as the Steelcase Leap, this cannot be removed. Use an Allen wrench or screwdriver to remove the bolts holding the backrest in place from underneath the chair. When all the screws and/or washers have been taken out of the chair, put them in a bag so you won’t lose them, and keep the bag with the chair.
Address The Wheels
Let’s start by learning how to remove an office chair’s base. The reason for starting with the wheels is very simple. One advantage of purchasing an office chair for lower back pain is the freedom to move around without getting up. This type of mobility is made possible by the chair’s wheels, which are still functional when you’re ready to start your disassembly.
The drawback of this is that things will get a little trickier if you try to finish the process without first removing the wheels. How are you supposed to take apart the office chair when it keeps moving?
The chair should be turned upside down or placed on its side in this situation. In the beginning, separate the chair’s entire wheelbase from the seat. After doing that, turn the base over and start taking out each caster one at a time. If your office chair has a lever that makes this process easier, use it.

How To Disassemble Office Chair Armrestsremoving Office Chair Armrest
Only when absolutely necessary should armrests be removed. It is best to keep in mind the sequence in which you are removing the armrest components from the chair because they may contain multiple parts. Beginning with an Allen wrench or screwdriver, remove the chair’s bolts. Any washers or plates can then be taken off. To keep it with the chair, put all the hardware in a bag. By pulling the armrests out of the slot beneath some chairs while operating the adjustment lever, you can remove the armrests with ease.
How To Disassemble Office Chair Cylinder And Baseremoving Office Chair Cylinder
Keep in mind that trying to remove the cylinder could easily cause damage before you do so. You’ll require a sizable pipe wrench in order to remove the cylinder. Take precautions to cover the floor and the surface of your table before you begin. Add some duct tape to the pipe wrench’s teeth for a secure grip and to protect the cylinder.
Clamp down on the cylinder near the bottom of the machine with the pipe wrench. Turn the pipe wrench a quarter turn after it is snug to the cylinder or until it releases. Since cylinders don’t screw on, you must first make enough room for them to be pulled away from the mechanism.
You’ll require a rubber mallet to pry the cylinder free from the base. flip the base on its side. Remember to protect your floor and surface. To avoid having your feet struck by the cylinder, step back. To remove the cylinder from the base, pound it with the rubber mallet. If the cylinder is truly stuck, tap the sides of the cylinder.
Things To Consider When Disassembling The Office Chair
No matter why you want to disassemble your chair, you must be careful to not harm it. When disassembling the various components of an office chair or a computer chair, bear this information in mind.
- Do not disassemble what is unnecessary: Some office chairs are divided into multiple pieces, allowing you to disassemble them in the opposite direction from how they were initially put together. But it would be beneficial if you did not remove everything at once. The mesh bottom office chair’s screw must remain in place, so do not remove it.
- Remember how things connect and disconnect: If your chair arrived fully assembled, you would need to ascertain which components you can and cannot replace in order to prevent damage. Some manufacturers include office chair disassembly manuals with their products, which can be helpful when taking your chair apart.
- Things you can’t or shouldn’t remove: For most chairs, removing the backrest and possibly even the barrel from the backrest is not even necessary. Try to dismantle your chair only as much as is necessary to prevent foreseeable damage. If you want to know which seat components you can and cannot remove during disassembly, you can always refer to the manufacturer’s manual. Parts inside the system shouldn’t be taken apart.
- Choose the right tools required for disassembling: The dismantling of office chairs almost certainly requires the use of tools. If the barrel has to be taken out of the chair, you’ll need a perforated pipe screw and a latex hammer. Additional components like armrests, seats, or cushions might need to be taken apart with the help of a screwdriver driver or a Hex tool. In order to disassemble your chairs, make sure you have all the necessary tools.
- It’s not always easy to disassemble the cylinder: When disassembling a chair, use caution to prevent breaking any parts. A tidy office chair is always a good choice. Don’t divide the chair into sections if it is not necessary. Make sure to start at the beginning and work your way downstream because each chair comes with its own unique set of instructions.
So don’t let your office chair intimidate you! It can be disassembled in a single afternoon, which makes moving it to another location much simpler. Just keep in mind to treat your chair with care.